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Tips to Improve the Structure of your Opinion Piece for the Leaving Certificate 2024

Updated: Jul 9

Spanish Leaving Certificate – Written Skills


Hand writing in paper

If you are reading this blog, you are probably preparing your Written Part for the Leaving Certificate.

Whereas the opinion piece can be daunting at times, you have more tools and knowledge than you think.

Let me show you how to utilize all those techniques that you are probably using already in other subjects such as English.

But, before we start our journey, I want you to spend a couple of minutes thinking of what you usually write on that white piece of paper right beside you, just because… we want it to be the origin and the sketch of your final product.

1 - Re-Reading Section B

The opinion topics are related to the text in Section B. It is very possible that during the reading you may have discovered some new approaches and learnt about different angles.

You may also have your own opinions of agreement or disagreement.

It would not be a bad idea to go over it and take a couple of notes.

2 - Planning

2.1 - Ask Yourself Questions

Depending on the selected topics, some questions will make more sense than others.

For example, given a comprehension text in Section B about “The exploitation of the avocado and its devastating consequences for consumers and the planet”, you pick the following affirmation among the 3 given:

“Debemos cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios para salvar el planeta”

Now it is time to ask yourself a few questions, bearing in mind that the goal of your introduction is to catch the reader’s attention, to captivate him and ultimately, to intrigue him about what is coming next.

These are some of our suggestions:

o Why is this topic relevant to me?

o Do I agree or disagree with the statement?

o I wonder if… (the rhetoric question)

o Put some interesting facts on the table (not a question itself but catchy nevertheless)

An example of impactful data for your introduction:

“Los insectos serán el ingrediente principal de la nuestra dieta”

You are ready now to storm your brain!

2.2 - Brainstorming

Brainstorming consists of generating ideas.

They could be single words, short sentences, symbols or anything that relates to the title of your composition.

Write them down as they come along. Do not worry if they are not in order or look random.

3 - Writing the Introduction & the Main Part

Once you think you have enough material, answer your selected question, alternatively, reveal the shocking facts, or use a combination of both.


o Lab-growth meat is a reality and high-protein insects…

Then, continue with your two or three selected ideas. The rest can be regrouped or discarded. You can even keep one idea for your conclusion, providing that it is relevant and you connect it appropriately to the introduction and the main part of your speech.

4 - Conclusion

A good conclusion must tick a few boxes:

o It summarizes the main aspects of your exposition.

o It justifies your arguments.

o You can question your own beliefs and your readers’ by opening other lines of inquiry.

o It contains your unique and personal view.

Therefore, it is only wise to spend some extra time writing a meaningful introduction and an even more impactful conclusion.


Give it a go and let me know how it goes.

As we have heard so many times, practice makes perfect.

We wish you all the best with your Leaving Certification examination,

If you want us to have a look at your opinion piece, we will gladly do it for you,

Also, feel free to check our wide variety of Spanish Courses for Leaving Certification, DELE, Business and many other classes!

We are currently offering a trial private lesson in our school in Dublin!

Mila Fernández

CEO, Teacher & Founder at Dublin Institute of Spanish

Álvaro Rubio

Marketing Specialist at Dublin Institute of Spanish

Copyright – Dublin Institute of Spanish

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